Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
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June 09, 2010 - MidWeek
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MidWeek in Kuwait

As my deployment comes to an end, I want to say thank you to Ron Nagasawa for the stories in MidWeek every week. It really gave me a much-appreciated piece of the Islands while being deployed. As I make my way back to Hawaii, I look forward to the MidWeek newspaper every week as I settle back in.

Roderick D. Dailey
130th Engineer Brigade

Camp Buehring,


Faster canoes

One of the things that bothers me as a part-Hawaiian is that too often we’re told that we have to do things exactly as they were done at the time of Kamehameha the Great, pre-contact. This certainly applies to hula, as Bob Jones has documented in columns about Merrie Monarch Festival judging. In his column “Everything Evolves, Even Canoes” - about a bold new “open canoe design” with a non-traditional look - Ron Mizutani raises the same subject about outrigger canoe paddling.

Yes, it is important to remember and teach the old ways, but we Hawaiians only hold ourselves and our children back by insisting that there is only one way to be Hawaiian, or to express our Hawaiian-ness. There is nothing like the beauty of a koa canoe, but if there is a faster canoe, I am all in. And I’ll bet Kamehameha the Great would be too.

Kaleo James

Love Kaiulani

Everyone is free to express their opinions, but Bob Jones and I saw two entirely different films, it seems. He hated Princess Kaiulani; I loved it. I learned long ago to use movie reviews as just one reference point, not the Holy Grail.

Barbara K. Jones

What ‘change’?

What a disappointment Barack Obama has been as president. I was one of those who voted for change and a new direction in American politics. But after reading Patrick Buchanan’s column “Did Obama Break The Law With Sestak?,” all I can see is an old-time Chicago pol, buying votes and offering bribes to a politician not to run.

I will be looking very hard for another candidate to support in 2012.

Jenna Ramones

Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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