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Painting Young

More than 100 oil paintings sit ready for OOPPS’ annual display, happening now at Honolulu Hale. PHOTO COURTESY OF ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING PALS

More than 100 oil paintings sit ready for OOPPS’
annual display, happening now at Honolulu Hale.

A group of seniors knows any time in life is good for embarking on a new hobby. Among some more experienced artists, the Original Oil Painting Pals (OOPPS) also attracts novices to try their hand at oil and canvas Monday through Friday at Makua Alii Senior Center (973-7258) on Kalakaua. The fruits of their efforts — 100-plus paintings by 30-plus artists ages 57-93 — are on view through June 15 at their annual exhibit at Honolulu Hale. The OOPPS club was created in 2006 by a group of artists and has become so popular that there’s a waiting list to join. “I tell each class I am not a teacher,” says one of the program founders and volunteer guidance expert Penelope Burniske, who also serves as president. “I am a woman who loves color, loves to paint and gets excited with creating beautiful canvases. If I can instill that love into everyone who takes these classes then I am a success, not because of my teaching skills but from my enthusiasm to create with a brush the beauty from within, which we all possess.” Besides, adds Burniske, there’s a sense of community in sharing with each other through painting.