Page 20 - MidWeek - Feb 2, 2022
P. 20

   Cameron Newsom, 42, of Colorado Springs, Colora-
Cancer Survivor Left With Very Hairy Situation
   do, was treated for stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma on her tongue in 2013, the New York Post reported. Remov- ing the tumor meant also re- moving part of her tongue, which doctors replaced with skin and muscle taken from her thigh. Through all of her experiences in treating the cancer, she said, “The weirdest part ... was when I felt a rough texture on the ‘thigh’ part of my tongue — and when I looked in the mirror, it had started grow- ing leg hair!”
the hand farthest from the door, employing a technique known as the Dutch Reach.
will be levied. Cycling UK estimates that more than 500 people are injured every year by car doors.
Teacher Kerry Lyn Cav- iasca, 36, of Watertown, Connecticut, was arrested on Jan. 15 and charged with two counts of risk of injury to a child and second-de- gree reckless endanger- ment, WFSB-TV reported, stemming from an incident in November.
home alone for two days while she went on vacation to Florida with her boyfriend. When the father checked one of the children’s phones, he saw texts between the child and Caviasca, including ex- changes about what they should eat, to which she replied, “Just eat candy.” She also instructed them to stay in the basement so they wouldn’t be seen.
Newsom had to learn to speak again and still finds eating a challenge, but she’s back to being a gymnastics coach, even with her fuzzy tongue.
Mirror reported. The rule requires someone inside a car to open the door with
Ifapersoninacarin- jures someone by opening with the wrong hand, a fine
Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to weirdnew-
In other Weird happen- ings:
The Purr-fect Criminals
Seoul, South Korea’s Metropolitan Fire & Disas- ter Headquarters is warning citizens: Your cats may burn your house down. Accord- ing to the agency, more than 100 fires over the past three years have been started by cats, The Washington Post reported.
“We advise pet owners to pay extra attention as fire could spread widely when no one is at home,” warned Chung Gyo-chul, an official at the department, which recommends keeping paper towels and other flammable items away from cooking appliances.
Government At Work
In the United Kingdom,
Pyro Pets
as of Jan. 29, flouting a new highway code rule will cost you up to 1,000 pounds, the
According to the arrest warrant, Caviasca’s ex-hus- band informed police that she had left their two chil- dren, both under age 12,
The children told po- lice they were alone in the house, except for their dog.
In other words,
driving (on the right side of the car), you would use your left hand to reach around and open the car door. (The tech- nique is borrowed from the Netherlands, thus the name.) Rule 239 reads: “This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cy- clists or motorcyclists pass- ing you on the road, or to people on the pavement.”
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Thomas S. Kosasa, M.D. Celia E. Dominguez, M.D. Thomas Huang, Ph.D.
Kapi‘olani Medical Center, 1319 Punahou St., Ste. 980, Honolulu, HI 808-946-2226, Toll Free: 866-944-0440 • e-mail:

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