Hanauma March Talks Are About Megafauna

Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve’s free public lectures for March are by graduate students researching “Charismatic Megafauna.”

The programs begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays in the park’s Cynthia M. Bond Memorial Theater:

March 7 – “Variations in Songs of Humpback Whales Wintering in the Northwestern and Main Hawaiian Islands” by Jessica Chen, UH Manoa and Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology

March 14 – “Hawaiian Islands Dolphin Smart Program” by Laura McCue, contractor with NOAAPIRO-Protected Resources and Hawaii Dolphin Smart program coordinator

March 21 – “Marine Mammal Strandings in Hawaii: What is the Process” by Kristi West, HPU assistant biology professor and David Schofield, regional Marine Mammal Health and Response program manager, NOAA-PIRO-Protected Species

March 28 – “Acoustically Quantifying Ecological Effects of Underwater Detonations in Military Training Areas with Implications for Conservation” by Lee H. Shannon, UHM/HIMB Biology Department.

Call the UH Sea Grant Hanauma Bay Education Program at 397-5840.