Pearl City Musician Brings Periodic Table Of Elements To Life

John Tussey

John Tussey

Pearl City musician John Tussey isn’t just bringing Christmas cheer to homes and churches this holiday season.

According to Tussey, he’s also bringing health and wellness to the music-listening public.

“I know this sounds really different and maybe strange,” said Tussey, as he described creating music embedded with frequencies of the periodic table, thereby promoting healing for the body.

“Everything vibrates at a certain frequency,” he explained. “The frequencies of the periodic table of elements that I use were mathematically brought into the audible spectrum where we can hear them. These are the frequencies of elements that our bodies are made out of and when embedded into music, they go into the cells and they affect the body at a subatomic level.

“Very few people worldwide are familiar with this concept,” he noted. “It was presented to me by a quantum physicist named David Van Koevering, who also is an inventor and musicologist. He has a significant place in the history of music technology. David believes that placing the right frequencies into the body can displace the frequencies of sicknesses and diseases. I only use the elements found in the human body – oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, etc. – when I record.”

The unique number of each element of the periodic table can be converted into cycles or vibrations per second, he said, with each having its own frequency. He tunes his synthesizer to replicate that frequency and embeds the creation into one of his original instrumental pieces. Sometimes he deliberately allows the frequencies to be heard, though generally a listener wouldn’t detect them.

An award-winning artist who has played piano since age 6, he favors the flowing quality of soundscapes and has created numerous CDs (

Tussey makes no medical claims for the effects his music has on the body, instead pointing to favorable testimony he has received from listeners:

“Many people can feel things happening in their bodies as they listen. Some feel their cells gently vibrating, others feel energized, while some feel sleepy.”

There’s still a place for traditional holiday music, without the specialized elements this month, when Tussey plays at various churches (see He also teaches piano theory, improvisation, style and composition on a home to home basis.