Our Favorite Things

We all have our favorite things – whether it’s in your closet, on a bookshelf, in your CD player or simply something you just can’t live without. Still Christmas shopping? We asked some of our favorite celebrities what their favorite things are, resulting in a great list of gift ideas. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season filled with love, laughter and, what the heck, some amazing gifts too!


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Michelle Borth
Actress who plays the role of Lt. Catherine "Cath" Rollins on Hawaii Five-0

FAVORITE ITEM IN YOUR CLOSET My "Chucks"... my Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers have been a staple in my wardrobe since my early teens, and I still wear them almost every day!

FAVORITE ACCESSORY My fedoras. I own about 15 that I've accumulated over the years from all around the world. You'll almost never see me outside without one on. They complement every outfit, from casual to dressy. I like to think of them as kind of my signature.

FAVORITE BEAUTY PRODUCT I love beauty products ... this is a difficult one. But I would have to say right now my favorite beauty product that I can't live without is my perfume! Walking through an airport on a layover, I wandered through the Duty Free and found Chloe Sevigny's Love. It's the most beautiful, subtle perfume I've ever smelled, and it encompasses me and who I am at this stage of my life. I get compliments on it all the time. It's just the perfect fit for me.

FAVORITE BOOK OK, my favorite book is Hot Water Music by Charles Bukowski, who also happens to be my favorite author.

FAVORITE CD AND/OR DVD Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction.

FAVORITE DVD Amadeus, love that movie..

SOMETHING YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT Hmmm, well, obviously my phone, but I would have to say my iPad. I love to read and play games, like Draw Something, with my friends back in L.A., and I travel a lot, so the iPad is always with me everywhere I go.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO BUY KIDS I'm not a parent myself yet, by I am "auntie" to many of my friends' kids. My favorite thing to buy for kids is furniture - but kid furniture, like little kitchens for girls for them to play house in, or tool shops for boys. Pottery Barn Kids is always my go-to for my friends with kids. It has a huge catalog just for the little ones.

WHAT ONE THING DO YOU OWN THAT YOU THINK EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD SHOULD HAVE? The one thing I think everyone in the world should have is very simple, but a must-have. Scented candles! I have them in every room of my house and keep them in my trailer when I'm on set. They change any atmosphere to something warm, inviting, comforting and relaxing, and they're great to relieve stress. My favorite are Diptyque Biaes - they're rich, and the scent lingers in the room for hours after they're extinguished.
Vince Trupsin photo