Obama Failing As A World Leader

Re: the TV images of American embassies and consulates in flames or under various degrees of siege across the globe.

Welcome to a world without American leadership.

Where to start?

During his post-election “apology and appease” tour through the Middle East, not only did President Barack Obama gratuitously pander to an Egyptian audience by exaggerating the Muslim role in American history, he also affirmed “America is no longer a Christian nation”!

“The president has time for David Letterman, the slobbering adoration of three of the four women on The View and to continue his nonstop campaigning, but he has no time for Netanyahu to plan a coordinated counter to Iran President Ahmadinejad’s threat to ‘wipe Israel off the map.'”

So it should have surprised no one when, during the recent Democratic convention, Democratic leadership tried to vote God out of the party platform. L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was chairing the session, took three separate voice votes trying to get passage of the kick-out God resolution. Finally, in accordance with the preprogrammed teleprompter, he simply declared the resolution had passed when the voice vote clearly indicated it had not.

At least the rank-and-file Democrats in the sparse audience had more sense than the president and the other leaders of his party.

As I compose this column, more than a dozen of our embassies and consulates around the world are in flames or under siege.

Most tragic, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his consulate staff (including two former Navy SEALs, who were not there in a security capacity but, of course, ran toward the action anyway) in Benghazi, Libya, have been slaughtered in a well-planned terrorist attack by al-Qaida on the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 (wouldn’t ya think the Obama/Clinton State Department would have beefed up embassy security that day in the volatile Middle East?).

Obama and his U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, continued to insist the attack was a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muhammad video gone viral. But the president was reluctant to fess up because it would give lie to his claim that, since he killed bin Laden, al-Qaida is on the run, and that his foreign policy (using the term loosely) isn’t really in shambles.

Among the world leaders in New York City for the annual U.N. meeting is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is striving to meet with Obama concerning what Israel considers an imminent Iranian nuclear threat.

The president has time for David Letterman, the slobbering adoration of three of the four women on The View and to continue his nonstop campaigning, but he has no time for Netanyahu to plan a coordinated counter to Iran President Ahmadinejad’s threat to “wipe Israel off the map.”

This is consistent with the common speculation that between now and the November election our Campaigner-in-Chief is just going to hunker down without risking any serious dialogue on major issues for fear of another verbal gaff. Ironically, the avoidance of dialogue with Netanyahu on the Iranian issue may go down as the “mother of all gaffs.”

Before Obama’s election in 2008 I wrote till I was blue in the face about all the reasons he was not qualified to lead America,

i.e., his paper-thin resume in foreign policy (doesn’t understand concept of “peace through strength”), in economics (thinks more spending is answer to all problems), military strategy (announces firm withdrawal date from the battlefield and refuses to name our enemy for what it is, fanatical Islamic terrorism, and refuses to speak in terms of “victory”).

He makes naive promises he can’t keep, i.e., close Guantanamo prison in first year; hold terrorist trials in NYC; inauguration promise to conduct “most transparent administration ever” (health care bill debate held behind closed doors; content of bill unknown until passed. Nancy Pelosi: “All legislative debate will appear on C-Span”; reduce unemployment to under 8 percent in first term “or be a one-term president.”

And don’t forget his hot mic comment to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during nuclear arms reduction talks:

“Tell Vladimir (President Putin) this is the best I can do for now. I’ll have more flexibility after the election.”

Or when negotiating troop strengths for Afghanistan: “I’m not gonna risk losing the whole Democratic Party on this.”

Dear readers, this president has brought America to a critical tipping point.

Another four years of his agenda – to give America its “comeuppance” in the world – will put us over the edge, and our children and grandchildren will never know “the world’s best hope” America that you and I have known.

On Nov. 6, don’t let that happen.