Letters to the editor – 3/11/15

A lie or a secret?

Pinocchio lives! In a City Council rail hearing, Councilman Ikaika Anderson said, which I have on tape, “When speaking with the FTA, I was told that the federal government would take back the $200 million they gave to Hawaii for the rail project if Hawaii chose to change from steel on steel.” When Anderson was asked who he spoke with at the FTA or where we could find written substantiation confirming his statement, he blatantly refused to answer. Why? Could it be “liar, liar, pants on fire”?

Hesh Goldstein
Hawaii Kai

No rail justice

A lowly prison guard is sentenced to eight years for bribery while corporate criminals who perpetrated the $6 billion rail swindle, now devastating Oahu’s beauty and economy, remain free. This is justice?

David Swift

Jabbing religions

I get sick of seeing Jay Sakashita’s Misfit Spirit column in MidWeek. He must be an atheist or agnostic who likes to take jabs and poke fun at religions, especially Christianity. I think he should put his goofy face in a comic strip and let people manage their own faiths. We don’t need his thinly veiled prejudiced views. What an annoying waste of a potentially good column by a better columnist.

Linda Nicholson

Societal religions

Regarding Jay Sakashita’s column “And The Religious Awards Go To …” — it’s tragic that some religions marginalize women. Unfortunately, patriarchal societies create patriarchal religions.

Mark Yamabe

Souls in storage

In his column “Taking Shots At American Sniper,” Bob Jones notes: “I can’t quite get my mind around all that sniping about the movie … up for best picture/best actor in Sunday’s Oscar competition.”

I agree. The U.S. government recruits snipers like Chris Kyle to place their souls in storage and asks them to do a job few people can/will do. The best that the American public and critics like Michael Moore and Matt Taibbi can do is to allow these courageous volunteers time to heal, so that their souls may find peace.

Wayne Hinano Brumaghim


A nice cover story about Honolulu’s “most interesting man” Jeff Portnoy did not mention his volunteer leadership positions with Manoa Valley Theatre for more than 20 years. Nor is there recognition of his leadership of the Hawaii International Film Festival.

I’ve known Jeff for many years and it is good that MidWeek has recognized his efforts on behalf of the community. Worthy, yes. Most interesting ? Hmmm.

Robert Sandla