
Hui Makaala Fashion Show Oct. 13

Hui Makaala presents its 44th annual Scholarship Luncheon & Fashion Show Oct. 13 at Pomaikai Ballrooms in Dole Cannery featuring designs by local designers/retailers Allison Izu, Cinnamon Girl and Reyn Spooner.

Allison Izu Song started her clothing company in 2007 catering to women 5-foot-6 and shorter. Best known for her denim, Allison Izu also offers skirts, women’s tops and soon will stock clothing for men and children. Her designs can be found at Nordstrom, Collins & 8th and online at


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Nikki Thommes: Cinnamon Girl ‘Grace’ high-low silk dress in aqua $109

Cinnamon Girl was founded in 1994 by Jonelle Fujita, who started by selling her clothes at local craft fairs. Known for its feminine dresses and mommy-and-me coordinating outfits, Cinnamon Girl has since grown to six boutiques in Hawaii (Ala Moana Center, Kahala Mall, Pearlridge Center, Ward Warehouse, Whaler’s Village on Maui and Kings’ Shops on the Big Island), as well as an online shop at

Reyn Spooner has been designing Hawaiian traditionals since 1956, and is known for its high-quality, comfortable, island-inspired shirts and custom prints. On Oahu, Reyn Spooner stores are at Kahala Mall, Ala Moana Center, 125 Merchant St. in downtown Honolulu and Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. There also are stores on Hawaii Island and Kauai, and online at

The upcoming Hui Makaala event begins with boutique sales and a silent auction at 9 a.m., followed by lunch and entertainment at noon, and then the fashion show at 1 p.m. Tickets cost $65, or purchase a sponsor “Shisa” table of 10 for $1,200 (includes preferred seating, program recognition, special favor and centerpiece) or “Uchinanchu” table of 10 for $850 (includes preferred seating and special favor). Boutique tables also are available for $110 (per 8-foot table). Proceeds benefit the Hui Makaala Scholarship Fund. For more information, contact co-chairs Valerie Kato or Ryan Okunaga at 277-2035 or email