April 8

Please email calendar@midweek.com for event submissions

Sunday April 8
Think of Your Future Workshop
Pearl City Library, 1138 Waimano Home Road, 1-4 p.m., free. Get information that will help you make smart financial decisions so that you can live the life you want to live in retirement. (aarp.cvent.com/future4-8)

Blood Bank of Hawaii
Kahala Mall, Bloodmobile, 7-11 a.m., free. Donate blood and save lives. Pre-registration recommended. (848-4770, bbh.org)

Blood Bank of Hawaii
Koko Marina Center, Bloodmobile, 7-11 a.m., free. Donate blood and save lives. Pre-registration recommended. (848-4770, bbh.org)

Hanamatsuri Service
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, 1429 Makiki St., 10 a.m., contact for cost. Come and selecrate Shakyamuni Buddha s birthday. Hanamatsuri songs will be sung and games for both children and adults will be played. There will be prizes, refreshments and some entertainment. (949-3995)

Pancakes and Hula
Hanalei School, 7-11 a.m., contact for cost. This is a major fundraiser for North Shore Lions Club. In addition to great pancakes, and all that goes with them, there will be hula, entertainment and a silent auction. Takeout will be available. Tickets will be on sale at Princeville Foodland April 5-7. (652-3129)

Shades of Spring
Honolulu Country Club Gallery, 1690 Ala Puumalu St., April 8-May 19, gallery hours, free. (honolulucountryclub.com)

ESD: Every Single Day
Harbor Restaurant at Pier 38, 4-6 p.m., free. (550-3740)

Kalani Pea
Blue Note Hawaii, contact for time, $15-$35. (bluenotehawaii.com)

Royal Hawaiian Band
Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Coconut Grove, 2 p.m., free. (rhb-music.com)