April 26

Please email calendar@midweek.com for event submissions

Thursday April 26
Arts Corps
The Arts at Mar’s Garage, Thursdays through May, contact for times, free. Take part in a free arts education program for children and teens ages 10-18. Pre-registration required. (info@artsatmarks.com, artsatmarks.com/arts-corps)

ImpactART: Last Known Locations
Impact Hub Honolulu, 1050 Queen St., 6-8 p.m., free. This evening will feature a brief program, an interactive art experience for guests, and a Q&A session with Chai and Katherine Ann Leilani Tuider of the Honolulu Biennial Foundation. There will be complimentary pupu and drinks for purchase, including a signature cocktail. (eventbrite.com/e/impactart-last-known-locations-tickets-44885066442?aff=efbeventtix)

International Year of the Reef
Hawaii State Capitol, auditorium, 415 S. Beretania St., 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., free. There will be information tables by nonprofit and government organizations, proclamations and remarks by special guests, keynote speaker coral scientist Ruth Gates and a screening of the film “Chasing Coral.” (393-2168, b-e-a-c-h.org)

The Laylow, Autograph Collection, 7-10 p.m., free. (laylowwaikiki.com/event-directory)

ImpactART Featuring Artist Lauren Hana Chai
Impact Hub Honolulu, 6-8 p.m., free. Attend an art show featuring the work of Lauren Hana Chai. (laurenhanachai.com, impacthubhnl.com)