Angels Assist With Cars To Noses

Dear Pamela,

Our truck would not start when our family was leaving WalMart Mililani. We hooked up jumper cables and a guy named John tried but his truck’s battery was too weak. Mahalo anyway for trying!

We decided to say a little prayer. Almost instantly two angels appeared: Julie and her daughter Cory Lee. They both tried patiently for nearly a half hour but something else was wrong.

Julie then insisted on giving us a ride home to Wahiawa. Our family would like to thank these two complete strangers for their kindness. May the Lord always watch over you and your family. We are blessed to have met you.

Kim Johnasen, Kim
Johnasen II

Dear Pamela,

While jogging on Isenberg Street I fell, fracturing my nose and causing a cut that required stitches.

Thank you to the kind strangers who asked if they should call 911, offered me a ride, provided a snack bag full of ice so I could start icing my nose, and the lady who stayed with me until my friend was able to pick me up.

In the excitement I didn’t think to ask anybody’s name, but you know who you are.

Brad Smith

Hello Pamela,

This evening I pulled into a service station at North School Street and Waiakamilo Road, my car overheating, engine check light on, steam billowing from under my hood.

As soon as I anxiously exited the car, a lady in another car asked if I needed help. Her husband Harold helped cool my engine off, then filled the radiator with water. Meanwhile his wife and friend patiently waited in their car.

What a humongously nice thing for them to do. I will never forget their kindness. May the same blessings be returned to you and your family again and again!

Karleen Takeshita

Dear Pamela,

My 10-year-old granddaughter Joelle Makahanaloa was devastated when she lost her Hawaii library card and two birthday gift cards.

For days she searched through her belongings but they were gone. Then Joelle’s mother got a call from the library saying

that someone had found and turned in the lost cards. We want that Good Samaritan to know how grateful Joelle is. There are still good people in the world.

Barbara Elm
Hawaii Kai

Dear Karleen, Brad, Barbara and the two Kims,

There are indeed good people in the world who seek nothing in exchange for their gestures of kindness. THEY are grateful for the opportunity to serve their friends, neighbors, and especially strangers.