Time Flies: A Year Of Columns

My diary-writing days came to an abrupt end decades ago when my sister discovered mine hidden in my bedroom. I don’t remember any specifics or embarrassing revelations. Then again, I may have blacked it out.

Point is, I’ve never kept up a journal, and I regret not having something in writing to revisit down the road — especially now that I’m a mother of two and the years are becoming a blur.

I remember holding my newborn son in my arms for the first time like it was yesterday. Was it a dream, or did my “baby boy” really just graduate from preschool? It’s true, and it’s a wake-up call.

I had an epiphany courtesy of this column. I just marked a personal Mid-Week milestone. My first column was published here one year ago. This makes this my 54th.

I went back and reviewed past columns and found it was a sort of diary.

Here are some Tannya’s Take tidbits:

* First column: That Preschool Drop-Off Drama

I shared my personal struggle dropping off my children without tears, for Mommy and kids.

This is something I still have a problem with, and will be the subject of next week’s column.

Oh, this also prompted my first negative reader email. Way to get started, right?

* Topic covered most frequently: Vacations

I counted columns about popular destinations for Hawaii families, including the Disney Alaska Cruise and Big White Ski Resort in Kelowna, Canada. What can I say? I love to travel and share new cultural experiences with my family. Now, packing and flying with young kids? Not so much.

* Subject that prompted the most feedback: Does “Baby Can Read” really work? I received several, long, thoughtful emails about the program and testimonials from parents. * Number of submitted columns that did not make the cut: one

A column I wrote about CrossFit was deemed too commercial to run. I’m a big believer in the benefits of training CrossFit and wanted to share some inspirational success stories. No offense taken.

From day one, my goal has been to fill a niche for families with features about fun events, timely topics, news you can use and even hot-button issues.

I appreciate the positive affirmation from readers who can relate to stories I share and appreciate a good chuckle.

I’m glad to be part of the MidWeek ohana and look forward to another year of columns — and who knows, maybe even some embarrassing revelations.

If there’s a kids-family-parenting subject you would like to read about, please send me an email.
