Letters to the Editor

‘MW’ surprises

I recently returned to Honolulu after a decade on the Mainland, and I must say I was so pleasantly surprised when I picked up MidWeek. The paper has really grown up, and I now look forward to seeing it every week. Thank you, and congratulations to all involved.

Tom James

The fifth W

I read Susan Page Coffee’s “The Angelic Woman From Raleigh” and feel moved to comment.

When in a situation, the first four W’s we think of are usually pretty straightforward – who, what, when, where – just the facts.

What we struggle with in times of doubt, fear or crisis is the fifth one, why: Why me, why him, why now?

The answers are harder to grasp, and our hurting hearts often search relentlessly for the answer to give us closure.

To see Ms. Page’s peace that she finds in trusting God, inspired by the living word of the Bible and brought to her by another follower of Christ is inspiring and encouraging.

I hope that this article touches at least one other person who may be in that valley to have peace and hope.

Scott T. Harada, DVM

Jewish post office

Congress will soon be voting on whether U.S. mail delivery should discontinue on Saturdays.

Many people are for it, since it will allegedly save billions of dollars, while many are against, since it will delay important items from being delivered in a timely manner.

I find it ironic that the secular world wants to cease mail delivery on Saturday. The Jewish people have always considered Saturday the Sabbath, the day of rest, and Orthodox Jews do not work on the Sabbath.

So it looks like the post office is about to convert to Judaism! Mazol Tov!

James “Kimo” Rosen

Making ’em proud

So many local family businesses with wonderful histories go out of business because the younger generations don’t have an interest in working there. So it was heartening to see the story of Y. Hata. I’m sure third-generation Russell Hata is making his family and his ancestors proud.

Helen Mitsunaga

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