Page 3 - MidWeek Windward - Sep 21, 2022
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Sound Advice By Caring Audiologists Some myths about hearing aids and facts about services:
September 21, 2022 WINDWARD OAHU VOICE 3
WindWard HealtH & Wellness
 Paid advertisement
   MYTH: “Hearing aids don’t work. I’ve tried them before and they’re
the success rate of the practice you are dealing with, even for severe hearing cases. We’ll gladly show you how we’ve improved the quality of hearing, and subsequently the quality of life, for many of our patients.
MYTH: “Hearing aids should solve all of my hearing problems.”
We welcome your questions and the opportunity to help you hear better. Consider an ALD, hearing aid or other hearing aid accessory for yourself or a loved one.
Visit Ko’olau Audiology, get a hearing evaluation, and have a trial period with state of the art hearing aid technology to improve communication in your daily life.
 just not helpful.”
We find that the majority of people who are unhappy with their hearing aids have had the aids adjusted improperly
or have been fit with the wrong style and the wrong technology for their particular loss. We have the experience, skill and advanced diagnostic training to make certain your hearing aid fitting is comfortable and functions at its highest performance level. An important consideration is
Not necessarily. Even the most advanced hearing aids cannot address all communication needs and difficulties. Assistive Listening Devices, also known as ALDs, can be helpful when hearing aids alone are not enough. If you are having communication difficulties with your hearing aids, the first step is to consult with your audiologist for an ALD. After an assessment of your overall communication needs, you can discuss additional options for improving other
 difficult listening situations.
Ko‘olau audiology & hearing aiD services contact // 263-4111
  “Sound Advice” by Caring Audiologists
“Over 50 years combined service to the people of Hawaii”
Terilyn Wong Audiologist
Specializing in:
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Courtesy oCfoSu.rDteoshyeorftyS,.MDDoherty, MD
    Advanced Aesthetics Hawaii
by Dr. Linda Chiu
407 Uluniu St. Suite 212, Kailua, HI 96734 (808) 262-6673 •
eggy Audiologist
◆ Diagnostic hearing evaluations
◆ Custom noise, musician & swim plugs
◆ Latest in digital hearing aid technology
◆ Hearing aid accessories including batteries
Call us today 808-263-4111
 40 Aulike St., Suite 211, Kailua Professional Bldg II

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