Page 4 - MidWeek - June 7, 2023
P. 4

4 MIDWEEK JUNE 7, 2023
          What’s your hidden talent?
      ANever Skip Leg Day
ny serious workout artist will tell you to never miss working out on a Monday and to never, ever skip a leg day. I guess those rules don’t apply to
me as I’m mediocre at best as a workout kind of guy.
But I’ve stayed in the game for many years and after my major recent health scares, committed to trying to get in some exercise at least three times a week per my primary care doctor. Well, I’m happy to say I’m up to around eight times a week. That’s twice a day Monday and Wednesday, once on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at least once on the weekend. Obvious humble brag here, but I want it on record
Associate director of communications, ‘Ewa Beach “I can back squat 213 pounds — almost double my bodyweight.”
Fire dancer/stunt man, Honolulu
“Fire dancing and martial arts.”
Non-destructive testing inspector, ‘Aiea
“I can make a shaka with my foot. I call it my ‘toe shaka.’”
Caregiver, Honolulu
“Not worrying about looking dumb and making people laugh whether it’s with me or at me. By not taking myself seriously, I can learn different disciplines and allow myself to take more risks and have fun.”
for my insurance company.
I still attend my favorite 4:45 a.m. bootcamp sessions
mostly because of the friendships I’ve formed over the years. There’s really nothing that can replace that camaraderie and, in the process, I can get in some serious exercise.
Recently, I added a new exercise regime as another friend of mine, Tatum, manages a gym at Pearlridge Center that starts with an “F” and ends in “45.” She talked me into sign- ing on to a membership and a 45-day fitness challenge.
       T Slow Down
here was a time when a hectic life was seen as a status symbol. Now, it’s more a display of overcommitment than anything else, subtly
 depleting our life force, leaving us little space for what truly matters. In allowing ourselves to get caught up in “more,” we forget the power of “less.” Unscheduled time, far from being wasteful, is essential. It provides the recharge we need.
 When I share this view with busy people, they of- ten push back, saying, “You don’t understand. I have commitments.” I do understand. We all have things to take care of, but it’s still possible to draw boundaries and make choices. Yes, you might disappoint a few people, but in the process, you’ll honor yourself. After all, the true richness of life is often found not in the hustle, but in the pause.
     Ron Nagasawa
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   I didn’t know what I was getting into. A majority of the class could be my grandchildren and the more mature mem- bers look like Instagram fitness models. Keeping up is the best I can do. My wife, although encouraging, thinks I’m crazy to try and do both gyms.
    But how you do anything is how you do everything and if I don’t do this now, I never will. Besides, seeing tomorrow is no guarantee and I live for my wife and kids. I will confess that up to my recent workout schedule, I always skipped leg day. Now I know why as those days are truly brutal.
Recently, after a killer week of leg workouts, my wife asked me to take her to Macy’s at Ala Moana Center. I had to replace a battery in one of my watches so it was a go. Macy’s has four stories with a central escalator system. For some reason, the escalator between the second and third floor was being repaired so you had to use the other escalator like stairs to go up and down.
The watch repair shop is on the fourth floor and we parked on the first-floor level. Because of my sore legs, going up the escalator “stairs” was like doing the Koko Head tramway hike. Twenty minutes later, I had to make the same trek to pick up my repaired watch. Went back down to the women’s shoe department on the second floor so I could sit down and call my wife to meet me. When I called, a different woman answered. She explained that someone turned in my wife’s phone to the Macy’s management office and said I could come and claim it.
She told me the office is located on the fourth floor!

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