Page 13 - MidWeek - June 7, 2023
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detailed flower show event with multiple elements re- quires a coordinated effort, according to Lee.
awards panel, giving out Garden Club of America big awards. Kitty is a floral design judge, and also a bo- tanical arts judge. Janice is a floral design judge and all of us go to shows around the country.”
“There’s so much talent in the club, and I just feel fortu- nate to be able to work with all of them. They’re the ones that are doing all the work. I pride myself on knowing and selecting the people who work on the commit- tees. That’s my main talent. But it’s not hard, because the whole club is filled with peo- ple who are talented,” she says. “What you’re going to see at the show is the result of the talent and time of the members of the entire club.”
Like many other members of The Garden Club of Ho- nolulu, Lee has deep roots in the islands. Born and raised on O‘ahu — “I’ m a Kaimukī girl,” she says with pride — the Punahou alumna admits to being drawn to plants at a young age.
When it comes to its histo- ry, The Garden Club of Ho- nolulu has been firmly plant- ed on O‘ahu for decades. It was founded in 1930, and its first show was held in 1931 at the Honolulu Academy of Art, which is now known as the Honolulu Museum of Art.
“My father always was in the yard and I used to go out with him. My grandfather grew roses and orchids and I always admired that. I just liked growing things,” she shares.
JUNE 7, 2023 MIDWEEK 13
Flower Show To Reach Full Bloom At Museum
   Featuring the theme “Oceans: Beyond the Reef,” The Garden Club of Honolulu will host its major flower show later this month at Honolulu Museum of Art.
The event will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. June 23 and 24; and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 25. Museum members will be admitted free. The cost for Hawai‘i res- idents is $10, and entry is free for youth 18 and under.
“Over the course of three days that we have the ex-
hibit, thousands of people come to see it,” says event chair Phyllis Wong Lee. “They look forward to this show and have for many years. We’re delighted. Our biggest community service as a club that we do is to put this show on.”
Fergus grew up right around the corner from Lee in Kaimukī and their parents knew each other well. Fergus has been a club member for more than a decade.
According to Fergus, an- other nice thing about the garden club is that the mem- bers are generous with their time and expertise, and if one member is having trouble with one of their plants, other members are quick to come over to examine the plant and provide useful suggestions.
“The museum has been very supportive over the course of the years ... The staff is absolutely incredible, so it’s really a major joint ef- fort, is the way I look at it,” Lee says.
“I just looked at it as some- thing I could do for the rest of my life, enjoy potting and being involved with plants,” she explains.
tinues. “We’re into a lot of conservation projects. We get a lot of good informa- tion through our club about a lot of things that are really critical to the environment, both here locally and also nationally.”
Meanwhile, Lee, along ir,with co-chair Janice Lau perFergus and club president lmKitty Wo, also travel often to Garden Club of America orshows on the mainland as onjudges. The Garden Club of u-Honolulu is located in Zone ntXII of Garden Club of Amer- enica, which includes the states heof Hawai‘i, Arizona, Califor- bernia, Colorado, New Mexico,
“My original interest is more in floral design because I have taken quite a bit of ikebana (the Japanese art of flower arrangement) class- es,” explains Fergus. “So, if I had to say where my strength is within the garden club dis- ciplines, it would be more in floral design, but through the garden club I’ ve just learned about so many other things, learned how to grow things.
She adds that the upcom- ing show will be the club’s way of sharing its expertise in a variety of different dis- ciplines.
 asOregon and Washington.
to “I just came back from 98Houston,” says Lee. “They had a big show like we ahave. I judged horticulture there, serving on a special
“It’s been fun,” she con-
“It’s just going to be a nice show and hopefully the pub- lic can appreciate everything that’s on display,” Fergus concludes.
Lee took Stepping Stones to Gardening classes at Lyon Arboretum, and later met women who invited her to join The Garden Club of Honolulu.
The Garden Club of Honolulu’s annual flower show is about to blossom again, thanks in part to the efforts of its leaders, from left, Phyllis Wong Lee, Kitty Wo and Janice Lau Fergus. The show, “Oceans: Beyond the Reef,” is scheduled for June 23-25 at Honolulu Museum of Art.
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