
Hot Shots – 10/18/17

UH Department Donates $100K

The UH OB-GYN department donated $100,000 to Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children, in conjunction with University Health Partners of Hawai‘i. Pictured are (from left) Ray Vara, president & CEO of Hawai‘i Pacifi c Health; Martha Smith, CEO of Kapi‘olani Medical Center; Dr. Ivica Zalud, professor and chairman of the UH OB-GYN department; Chip Ellis, CFO of University Health Partners of Hawai‘i; Dr. Jerris Hedges, UH John A. Burns School of Medicine dean; Tom Mundell, senior vice president of Philanthropy for Hawai‘i Pacifi c Health; and Linda Jameson, senior development offi cer for Kapi‘olani Health Foundation. PHOTO COURTESY HAWAI‘I PACIFIC HEALTH

MAC Recognizes Hawai‘i Students

This year, 30 outstanding Hawai‘i students and prior enlisted military members have been accepted into four of the U.S. services academies. Of the 30 who have accepted appointments, 24 students and their parents were recognized at a reception hosted by the Military Affairs Council of the Chamber of Commerce Hawai‘i at the O‘ahu Country Club. Pictured from U.S. Naval Academy are (from left) retired Lt. Col. Jon Turner, Cagla Brennan, Zachary Bell, Brent Naito, Peyton Sommer, Gregory Robbeloth, Harlie Stone and retired Lt. Col. Mike Mollohan. PHOTO COURTESY MILITARY AFFAIRS COUNCIL