
An Online Customized Workout

Pro Fit Athletics’ Gabriella Sheindlin | Photo courtesy Gabriella Sheindlin

Pro Fit Athletics brings fitness to the Web with just a click of a button. Conceived last July by owner Tyree Payne and her staff, Pro Fit Athletics (pfathletics.com) is an online fitness website that caters to those interested in a fit lifestyle, especially those on the go or anyone who would like to add to their daily fitness regimen.

“Pro Fit Athletics provides customizable work-outs on the part of the user, and also with the help of a trainer. We want people to feel like they can work out on their time and at the level they need,” says Gabriella Sheindlin, chief marketing officer.

“Pro Fit also allows people to sign up for one-on-one training time with a trainer and live group classes. We want people to feel like they’re in the gym without having all the pressures of actually being there.”

With three individuals on staff and a four-person team of trainers, along with a production team that creates workout videos, Pro Fit Athletics creates a personal interaction for those who don’t necessarily like being at the gym.

“You can do yoga and Crossfit in the same day if you’d like,” she adds. “We are the fitness site that is open to constant customizations and suggestions.”

Members also are encouraged to engage with the Pro Fit community by sharing workouts and photos. Diet and nutritional support for a healthy lifestyle are available, as well.

“It’s been really exciting to finally have a usable website up and running,”

Sheindlin states. “I was nervous as to how it would be perceived, but I’m excited to see how people really benefit. We someday hope to reach people on a global level with the most diverse fitness site out there.

“We want fitness to be everywhere.”

Currently, Pro Fit Athletics is focused on its website launch and will continue to add new trainers to its team.

“Being an entrepreneur is about developing an idea and taking in all the information that you can,” Sheindlin explains.

“The initial idea usually isn’t what the final product amounts to, but when it’s a success, you’ll be glad you pursued it.”

For more information, visit pfathletics.com.